21 March 2009

Post Traumatic Date

The dating scene, I don't really know if it's for me. I've tried it for a while now and...I don't know. I don't know if there are any guys out there who are good enough for me. (Sorry to the guys that I've been on dates with, but it's true...no shame in that though. I'm just picky!)

Date number 1: Not a total dumb ass, but if I have to go on another date where the entire conversation is about cars and different motorparts I will slit my wrists. I mean, come on. When is a girl EVER interested in the fact that some dude found a tiny little thingiemebob that goes into the carborator-thing (or whatever) on his used up VW? -Never is the answer to that!! Ever!

Date number 2: Cool Guy. Brought me to this really slick party with the IT-crowd. Fun! Hilarious! And then another one of my dates showed up unannounced (not the best three hours of my life!). (Ok. Not the Cool Guys' fault per se, but if he can't measure up to the other guy, who's not even half as cool as him really, he might not be my cuppa tea anyway...hmmm)

Date number 3: Well, we've tried going on dates for about...4 months now and all we've managed is one lunch date. One! How is that even possible you think? -Well, I'll tell you. Some really bad planning. But he's kinda fit! So I'm going to give him another chance. Although the only time he seems to get the time lately is around 3 am very early Sunday mornings... (Now why might that be? Hmmm. I stand corrected. He might be fit, but the dumpster is the only thing good enough for him. Next!)

Date number 4: To be honest. We're still in the predate stage. We haven't gotten to that part yet. I think he's had some other girl waiting in the wings for a while, since I've been a bit preoccupied in the arms of others (alot of wishful thinking, which might include a certain vampire) and I haven't really given him too much thought until recently. Single parent like myself. But I do like being put on a piedestal, so sharing him with his kids might just be too much. (I'm a Princess, what can I say....)

Not that it really matters since I always look ahead and think about the inevitable breakup. Cos there is always a breakup. I left the happy ever afters at Nursery together with Cinderella and Snow White... Cynical? - Of course. True?- Not a clue. I just know that if I can't be happy with the same guy for the rest of my life, why even bother?

So what I'm thinking is; Why not wait to get "hitched" until I'm old? (Old as in all wrinkled and squishy.) Why waste my youth on some guy who'll probably dump me for a younger version of me by the time I hit 40?

Another thing with dating is; how does the whole "dating lots of different people at the same time" really work? I mean, I've tried it now and all it does is sending me to an early grave. I asked one of my friends who's been doing it for years, and he told me that it's easy; just don't overexaggerate anything, keep as close to the truth as you possibly can and never ever ever say/shout/whisper any names in bed. That's apparently when it might go horribly wrong. (I'd say....)

Anyhow. I've decided to not look for someone special. I'm just going to have fun. I'm going to enjoy my freedom. I'm going to enjoy feeling wanted and loved without making too much effort. And I will certainly not shout any boys' names in bed!!! (As of yet anyways...)


  1. I agree with your last thought. Don't go in with any expectations. Just go out to have fun, and if anything comes of it, then it's a bonus!

    It's good that you're not settling. It's too easy to go out on dates and stick with one guy just to have someone around, but it's better to be single until you find the one that's just right!

    Good to see you blogging again!

  2. As always the thoughts you have are spot on, Nova-san!

    And may I Say: I've missed your thoughts!!!!

