28 March 2009

The Lonesome Road

I feel annoyed. As told previously, I've tried to go on dates with this one guy but we've managed only one. A lunch date to top it off. He called me last night, not too late and asked if he could come over. Of course, I replied, a bit chuffed. Tidied up a little, made sure Daughter was sound asleep, retouched makeup and made sure clothes were appropriate.

He arrived. Drunk. (Of course) (I mean what else is new with him...) I know he's separated from his girlfriend recently (try 6 months ago) and she's now taken their daughter with her and moved to another town (Sounds tough, I know...) but coming over to my place drunk wanting...well, I know what he wanted. (Not that he got it!) That's just plain rude!! I'm not an idiot. I know my worth. If I want to shag a guy, I will, but because I want to. Not because he needs confirmation of some kind. Will. Not. Happen.


He's a nice guy, and I do feel for him. I understand he's sad and upset about the whole breakup and losing his daughter. But that's no reason for treating another person as a comforter. (Well, not me anyway.) I'll talk to him soon. I will try to explain that if keeping me as a friend is near enough important to him as keeping his bed warm, he shouldn't put me in such an embarrassing situation ever again. Because if was embarrassing. Not for me, but for him. And I think that was the hardest part to watch... I do hope he doesn't have to go through that again (and to be honest...I hope I won't either!)


  1. He arrived.. drunk???

    I swear... where have all the good, decent guys gone???

    You know, GOOD FOR YOU for standing your ground and not letting him get away with showing up at your place in that condition. To me, that was just so disrespectful of him, no matter what else is going on with his life. If he can't have respect for himself to show up in a respectable state, then he surely won't have any respect enough for you.

  2. I know. It's sad really. But I would never steep that low as to let someone do that to me. I grew up with an alcoholic father, so I certainly know what I DO NOT need in my life.

    He'd left before I got up in the morning (I let him crash in my Daughters room, she stayed in mine). I got a text later during the day where he apologized and said thanks, but...I don't know. I answered that that's what FRIENDS are for, being there for each other. Just to let him understand that that's what I am, a friend.
