12 June 2009


I had this weird dream the other night. And I truly mean...weird. It's so weird I don't even think I should write about it. But I kinda need to get it off my chest.


I started a new job a few weeks ago. It's with an electrical shop so don't really know much. Anyhoo. I'm working at the till; training to manage the daily reports, banking, that sort of stuff. Since the till is from the turn of the century, not the twentyfirst century, I sort of suck at it (which is really bad for my self esteem since I'm usually quite a great till user....). The shop is still using the DOS-system, which is from the 80's...

So. My manager is going on holiday and the second in command is the one teaching me how to close up at night. The second in command is SCARY. Really scary.

Now. I don't find him attractive. Not at all. But I'm finding him very ,very intimidating. So, guess my surprise when I woke up the other morning having had a...well, kind of wet dream about him (not REALLY wet, just enough to make me freak out). Serioulsy. Freaking. Out.

I got to work and couldn't look him in the eye properly. And I'm not joking when I tell you that that's when he smiled at me for the first time since I started working there. And now he's being such a luvvie towards me it's freaking me out even more.

I need to go to some sort of dream therapy thing, cos if I don't let this one go I won't be able to work with him any more.... I'm still not attracted to him, but every time he stands close to me (too close for my liking) my hands turn clammy and my heart beats faster.... Not good!

Am I starting to get desperate for a boyfriend or something?? I don't even want one... Hmmm...

Weird and freaky and serioulsy making me doubt myself.


  1. Awww... it's not you, trust me. I used to dream about a guy who totally grossed me out. It upset me that I would have like fantasy dreams about him, because I was not attracted to him at all. Dreams sometimes turn around what we really feel. It's a phase - next week you'll be dreaming about someone HOT. =)

  2. :D I certainly hope so... hahahhah
